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Rebecca Zen | Ph Credits Roberta Candy

Rebecca Zen (Castelfranco Veneto, 2000) obtained a three-year academic diploma in Visual Arts and Entertainment Disciplines in 2023, specializing in Painting, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. She is currently enrolled in the two-year course of the same course. She lives and works in Venice. Since 2021 she has participated in Extra Ordinario (ed. II,III,IV), an open painting laboratory, workshop and collective exhibition curated by Daniele Capra, Nico Covre, Nebojša Despotović, Carlo Di Raco, Martino Scavezzon and Atelier F, at Antares pavilion VEGA technological center in Marghera (VE).

In 2024 she took part in several collective exhibitions, including Lost in the garden curated by Domenico De Chirico at the home-studio of Iva Lulashi (MI), Tropes of vulnerability curated by Saverio Rufini at the Spazio Punch (VE), Antares at Magazzini del Sale 3, curated by Carlo Di Raco, Martino Scavezzon (VE). In 2023 she is one of the finalists in the fifteenth edition of the Nocivelli Prize (BS) and she participated in the collective Murato fuori non vi feci caso. Sguardi sul confine curated by Arianna Campanelli, Mario Bronzino and Stefania Lo Porto at the Cavallerizza Reale stables (TO).


2024 Lost in the garden curated by Domenico De Chirico at Iva Lulashi's home-studio - Milan, Italy.

2024 Tropes of vulnerability curated by Saverio Rufini at Spazio Punch - Venice, Italy.

2024 ANTARES, collective exhibition curated by Carlo Di Raco and Martino Scavezzon, Magazzini del sale 3 - Venice, Italy.

2023 Murato fuori non vi feci caso. Sguardi sul confine, curated by Arianna Campanelli, Mario Bronzino and Stefania Lo Porto at the Cavallerizza Reale stables - Turin, Italy.

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